Visitor Management – Introduction 

In our ever-evolving and security-conscious world, the effective management of visitors within organizational premises has become an indispensable priority for businesses across diverse industries. Businesses are also recognizing the need to invest in visitor management to enhance the workplace experience for both employees and visitors alike. This emphasis on visitor management becomes even more crucial amidst the ongoing shift from traditional full-time office setups to hybrid working models.  

Recent research by Open PR highlights a significant surge in the Global Visitor Management System Market, with an anticipated Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 12.8%. This growth trajectory is expected to propel the market from US$ 931.2 million in 2021 to nearly US$ 2440.8 million by 2029. 

This blog delves into the significance of Visitor Management, spotlighting its dual role in fortifying security measures and streamlining operational efficiency. 

Why Visitor Management Matters: 

Inadequate Visitor Management isn’t just a security concern; it directly affects the experiences of visitors and employees. Beyond the immediate threat to security, it can erode brand reputation and undermine customer trust.  

Picture this: unauthorized individuals gaining access to sensitive areas or incidents of theft occurring due to lax visitor oversight. The repercussions extend far beyond the immediate incident, influencing how a company is perceived by its clients and partners. This not only jeopardizes security but also hampers the overall experience for those interacting with the business.  

In a world where positive experiences are paramount, effective Visitor Management becomes indispensable for fostering trust and creating a secure, welcoming environment for everyone. 

To summarize, the importance of a visitor management system, let’s look at some of the challenges that an organization faces when don’t use a robust system and technology to manage its visitors.  

  1. Security Concerns: Balancing accessibility for visitors along with maintaining stringent security measures can be challenging at times if it is not leveraged using relevant technology.  
  2. Long Wait Times:  Lengthy wait times during check-in processes can lead to visitor dissatisfaction.  
  3. Inadequate Visitor Tracking: Difficulty in monitoring and tracking visitor movements throughout the premises poses a considerable security risk.  
  4. Manual Processes: Relying on manual check-in and registration procedures can be time-consuming and prone to errors. Paper-based systems may hinder efficiency and cause delays. 
  5. Limited Visitor Experience: Failing to provide a positive and seamless visitor experience can affect the organization’s reputation as insufficient guidance, unclear directions, or unfriendly staff can leave a negative impression on visitors.     

Key Components of Visitor Management: 

To address the challenges discussed above, it is essential to understand the fundamental elements of an effective Visitor Management system. These include: 

  1. Robust Registration and Check-In Processes: 
    • Streamlined digital processes for quick and accurate visit requests and visitor registration.
    • Efficient check-in procedures using self-service kiosks to minimize wait times and enhance the visitor experience. 
    • Offering mobile capabilities such as scheduling and notifications, to enhance convenience for visitors and staff. 
  2. Identity Verification Protocols and Badging: 
    • Stringent verification steps to ensure the accurate identity of each visitor. 
    • Integration with identification technologies, such as ID scanning or facial recognition. 
    • Storing identification information within the system as per the compliance needs 
    • Providing Badges/ Access control cards to visitors  
  3. Seamless Integration with Access Control Systems: 
    • Coordination with access control systems to restrict visitor access to authorized areas. 
    • Real-time updates and synchronization to adapt to changing access permissions. 
  4. Real-Time Monitoring Capabilities: 
    • Continuous monitoring of visitor activities throughout the premises. 
    • Instant alerts for any trespassing, suspicious behavior or security breaches. 
  5. Wayfinding and Navigation Apps:  
    • Integrate wayfinding and navigation apps within the workplace to help visitors easily locate their destination within the facility.  
    • These apps can guide them to meeting rooms, offices, or specific departments efficiently. 
  6. Stringent Data Privacy Measures: 
    • Implementation of robust data protection protocols to safeguard visitor information. 
    • Compliance with privacy regulations to ensure responsible handling of visitor data. 
  7. Feedback Collection: Utilize the scheduling platform to gather feedback from visitors, allowing continuous improvements in the scheduling process and overall visitor experience. 
  8. Data Analytics and Reporting: Analytics and reporting functionalities to provide insights into visitor data for optimization. 

A well-integrated system ensures a holistic approach to security and operational efficiency, covering each aspect of the visitor’s journey within the organization. 

Image shows an infographic to detail out the strategies mentioned inside visitor management guide to streamline the experience and maximizing safety.

Benefits of Implementing Efficient Visitor Management: 

Enhancing Security: 

Implementing a robust Visitor Management system significantly enhances security measures within an organization. By accurately verifying the identity of visitors, restricting access to authorized areas, and monitoring activities in real time, the system acts as a deterrent against potential threats. Businesses can proactively safeguard their premises, assets, and sensitive information. 

Improving Operational Efficiency: 

Beyond security, Visitor Management streamlines operational processes. The system automates registration and check-in procedures, reducing administrative burdens. This efficiency translates into time and resource savings, allowing staff to focus on core responsibilities. Additionally, a well-managed system contributes to a positive work environment, boosting overall productivity. 

Enhancing Visitor Experience: 

A positive first impression matters!  A Visitor Management System, managed with efficiency, establishes a warm and inviting atmosphere for guests. Quick and streamlined check-in procedures, along with clear navigation throughout the premises, coupled with the convenience for employees to add visitors when reserving meeting rooms and resources, collectively create a seamless experience. This not only fosters a positive brand perception but also imparts a sense of value and security to visitors, elevating their overall experience. 

Leveraging Technology – DB Spazio’s Visitor Management System 

DB Spazio is a one-stop solution for all hybrid work requirements to ensure delightful employee experiences, collaboration & productivity while planning the workspace efficiently. 

DB Spazio offers a holistic Visitor Management System, effortlessly managing visitors and crafting Exceptional Client Workplace Experiences for your client visits, making it the preferred technology for seamless visitor interactions. 

Streamline Visitor Experience using DB Spazio’s “Visitor Management System (VMS)” to manage visitor/ guest visits easily.  

  • Schedule visitor requests  
  • Contactless and seamless check-in facility for visitors  
  • Ease of movement across the office through wayfinding 
  • Access Control with Real-Time Monitoring  
  • Smooth Checkout Process  
  • Data Insights and reports to optimize visitor management 


  • Convenience of employees and visitors 
  • Improve brand image through a seamless visitor management process 
  • Improved safety and compliance 

Read more about seamless guest/ visitor experience using DB Spazio: Enhance Guest & Visitor Experience using DB Spazio

Future Trends in Visitor Management: AI Integration 

As we peer into the future of Visitor Management, the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) emerges as a transformative force. AI not only augments security measures but also propels operational efficiency to unprecedented levels. Here’s a deeper dive into how AI integration will revolutionize Visitor Management: 

  • Predictive Analytics for Security Threats: 
    • Utilizing AI algorithms to analyze historical data and predict potential security threats. 
    • Implementing real-time risk assessment to proactively address and mitigate security risks. 
  • Facial Recognition Technology: 
    • Leveraging AI-powered facial recognition for enhanced identity verification. 
    • Creating a seamless and secure entry process for authorized visitors. 
  • Behavioural Analysis for Anomaly Detection: 
    • Implementing AI algorithms to analyze visitor behaviour and detect anomalies. 
    • Flagging unusual patterns or suspicious activities for immediate attention. 
  • Personalized Visitor Experiences: 
    • Using AI to personalize the visitor experience based on historical data and preferences. 
    • Providing tailored guidance and services to enhance overall satisfaction. 
  • Integration with Smart Building Technologies: 
    • Connecting AI-powered Visitor Management systems with other smart building technologies. 
    • Creating a cohesive ecosystem that optimizes energy usage, space management, and overall building efficiency.
  • Touchless Solutions for Health and Safety: 
    • Introducing touchless check-in processes using AI-driven technologies. 
    • Adapting to health and safety concerns with contactless interactions. 
  • Continuous Learning and Adaptability: 
    • Implementing AI models that continuously learn and adapt to evolving security threats. 
    • Ensuring that the system remains agile and effective in the face of new challenges. 

DB Spazio has already introduced the new-gen AI-powered reservations for hybrid workplaces, designed to revolutionize the way employees reserve spaces. This cutting-edge feature automatically assigns desks/ amenities/ rooms based on employee’s past preferences, ensuring a seamless and efficient booking experience.   

We are infusing AI into our Visitor Management System which transcends the superficial, delving into actionable strategies that redefine how businesses approach security, efficiency, and the overall visitor experience.  


In summary, Visitor Management goes beyond mere administrative processes; it is a strategic imperative for businesses aiming to secure their premises, enhance operational efficiency, and create positive experiences for visitors. By understanding the risks associated with inadequate visitor oversight and embracing the key components of an effective system, businesses can position themselves for success in an ever-changing business landscape. 

As we move into the future, the integration of AI promises to take Visitor Management to new heights, providing anticipatory security measures. The key takeaway is clear – proactive Visitor Management is not just a necessity; it is an investment in the resilience and success of a business. In the pursuit of security, efficiency, and positive visitor experiences, a well-managed system stands as a cornerstone for modern business. 

The rise of hybrid workplaces continues to be a norm in today’s business environment. With the workplace evolving constantly, many companies are facing the common question – Which Hybrid Workplace Solution is right for their organization. Increasingly, organizations are adopting flexible work arrangements, mixing remote work with office presence. As businesses continue to navigate these changes, there is a need to invest in hybrid workplace solutions that are futuristic and sustainable. Future-proofing your investment is not just a prudent strategy; it’s essential for addressing potential challenges and pitfalls that can arise if companies fail to do so.  

Below are a few compelling reasons for organization to ensure that their investment is future-proof: 

  • Inefficiencies and Fragmentation: Without a future-proof solution, a company might adopt various tools and platforms to address immediate needs. This can lead to a fragmented technology landscape, making it difficult for employees to collaborate and share information seamlessly. Inefficiencies can arise when data is scattered across multiple platforms, and employees waste time navigating between them. 
  • Inadequate Adaptability: The business landscape is dynamic, and unforeseen changes can disrupt operations. A non-flexible solution may not adapt well to these changes, such as accommodating new tools and integrations. This lack of adaptability can result in lost opportunities and increased costs. 
  • Loss of Competitive Edge: Companies that fail to embrace future-proof solutions risk losing their competitive edge. Modern customers and partners expect organizations to be technologically savvy and agile. If a company cannot keep up with the latest trends and technologies, it may struggle to attract and retain top talent, clients, or partners. 
  • Data Security and Compliance Risks: Inadequate solutions may lack essential security features and compliance mechanisms, putting sensitive data at risk. As cyber threats evolve, companies must stay ahead with robust security measures. 
  • Cost Overruns: In the long run, investing in non-future-proof solutions can be more costly. The constant need for upgrades, integrations, and patching together various tools can result in higher expenses compared to a well-thought-out, future-proof solution that scales with the company’s needs. 

The failure to invest in a future-proof hybrid workplace solution can have far-reaching consequences, from operational inefficiencies and security risks to loss of competitive advantage and employee retention problems. Therefore, it’s essential for companies to carefully consider and plan when selecting their hybrid workplace solutions. 

Which Hybrid Workplace Solution is right for your organization?

Selection Criteria for a Future-proof Hybrid Workplace Solution 

Selecting the right hybrid workplace solution is a pivotal decision that can shape the future of your organization’s workspace. To make an informed choice, it’s crucial to consider specific selection criteria that will pave the way for a flexible and efficient workspace, attuned to the organization’s evolving needs and technological advancements. 

The image shows an executive looking fo the criteria to select a future proof Hybrid workplace solution

1. Comprehensive Integration Capability

Look for a hybrid workplace solution that offers an extensive platform equipped with a protocol stack. This protocol stack should enable seamless integration with a variety of workplace components and emerging technologies. By doing so, your organization can stay ahead of the curve and incorporate new tools and innovations without friction. 

2. Security and Scalability

Security and scalability should be paramount in your selection process. Ensure that the chosen platform is equipped to handle the growing needs of your organization, both in terms of workforce and data security. A solution that can scale to meet evolving requirements is essential to future-proof your workspace. 

3. Flexible Customization

Your organization’s needs are unique, and a one-size-fits-all approach may not suffice. Seek a hybrid workplace solution that offers flexible customization options. This empowers you to tailor the platform to your specific needs and preferences, creating an environment that truly aligns with your business goals and culture. 

4. Adaptability and Future-Readiness

The workplace is continually evolving, and your hybrid solution should be able to adapt accordingly. Ensure that the chosen solution has built-in adaptability, so it can evolve alongside your organization’s changing requirements over time. This ensures that your investment remains relevant and effective, even as the business landscape continues to transform. 

Incorporating these criteria into your decision-making process ensures that the hybrid workplace solution you choose is not only an immediate asset but also a strategic, forward-looking investment that keeps your organization agile and well-prepared for the future. 

Integrating Various Workplace Elements for Improved Efficiency 

Managing office space in the hybrid workplace model requires organizations to integrate various workplace elements to improve efficiency. This involves optimizing the use of space while ensuring user experience is not compromised. Some of the integrations to consider for improved efficiency are: 

1. Collaboration Tools

Integrating collaboration tools, calendaring platforms, and desk reservation software are just examples of the tools that can contribute to an efficient and stable hybrid work environment.  

2. Employee Experience

Integrate with Wayfinding solutions for ease of navigation & with feedback systems to obtain real-time feedback and redressal of any issues to elevate employee experience. Integrate with visitor management system for inviting guests, booking room and pantry services using a single interface.  

3. Occupancy Sensors

Integrating with occupancy sensors provides organizations with a comprehensive view of their workplace dynamics. This data allows them to make data-driven decisions regarding office layout and space allocation, ensuring that the workspace is efficiently used and adapted to the needs of their workforce. 

4. Employee Wellness

Integrating IAQ sensors into the workplace not only ensures real-time data on air quality and environmental conditions but also allows employers to proactively address any issues affecting employee wellness. By closely monitoring indoor air quality, temperature, and humidity levels, organizations can create a healthier and more comfortable workspace, ultimately boosting employee productivity and overall well-being. 

5. Sustainability

Integration with energy analytics tools can also allow for better energy management and cost savings by monitoring and controlling lighting, heating, and cooling systems based on occupancy and usage patterns while enhancing user comfort & experience.  

Making the Most of Your Investment: Long-Term Benefits with a Hybrid Workplace Solution

Investing in a hybrid workplace solution that seamlessly integrates with various workplace elements can yield a multitude of advantages for organizations. By harnessing the power of this flexible approach, businesses can: 

  • Enhance Space Management: By integrating various elements that provide a comprehensive view of space utilization, organizations can make informed decisions about real estate, whether it’s consolidation or expansion, optimizing their use of existing resources. 
  • Foster Improved Collaboration: A well-integrated hybrid workplace platform encourages seamless collaboration among colleagues, promoting effective teamwork, knowledge sharing, and innovation, which ultimately enhances overall business performance. 
  • Drive Cost Savings and Boost Productivity: Streamlining affiliate facility services, such as transportation, meals, and pantry amenities, within the hybrid workplace environment leads to reduced operational costs and heightened productivity. 
  • Meet Sustainability Goals: Embracing a hybrid workplace strategy also aligns with sustainability objectives, reducing the organization’s carbon footprint and environmental impact. 
  • Enhance Employee Satisfaction and Retention: Organizations that implement a well-executed hybrid workplace solution with a focus on efficient space management are better positioned to attract and retain top talent. This flexibility empowers employees to structure their work lives in ways that suit them best, resulting in increased job satisfaction and enhanced loyalty. 

Conclusion: Future-proof Hybrid Workplace Solution

In conclusion, future-proofing your investment in a hybrid workplace solution is essential to adapt and thrive in the ever-evolving landscape of work. By integrating various workplace elements, you can optimize efficiency and productivity, creating a dynamic environment that meets the needs of your organization and its employees. 

Moreover, the long-term benefits of a well-executed hybrid workplace strategy are numerous. Improved space management, enhanced collaboration, cost savings, sustainability alignment, and increased employee satisfaction all contribute to a thriving and future-ready workplace. 

By embracing these principles, you’re not just investing in a workplace solution; you’re investing in the success and sustainability of your organization in a rapidly changing world 

Introduction: Hybrid Work Schedule  

Hybrid work has become the norm for most companies, with the flexibility it offers set to remain a defining aspect of the workplace for the foreseeable future. The widespread adoption of this model is not surprising; it’s rooted in tangible benefits. According to a recent report by Scoop in collaboration with BCG, companies granting employees flexibility in choosing their work location have outperformed their counterparts in revenue growth by an impressive 16 percentage points over the past three years. 

If your company is embarking on the hybrid journey, our comprehensive transition guide is here to assist you. As you navigate the landscape of hybrid work models, considering their advantages, disadvantages, and the technological requirements associated with each, our blog post provides valuable insights to guide your decision-making process. 

Yet, once you’ve decided on the hybrid work model that aligns with your company’s vision, the question remains: How can organizations efficiently manage the planning logistics inherent in this new way of working? This is precisely where hybrid work schedules play an important role. 

What is Hybrid Work Schedule? 

A hybrid work schedule defines when employees work remotely and when they are required to be physically present in the office. This approach aligns the unique needs of each employee with the overarching goals of the company. By blending remote and on-site work, a hybrid schedule aims to enhance productivity, foster collaboration, and promote a healthier work-life balance. 

Four Types of Hybrid Work Schedules 

There are various types of hybrid work schedules and the prominent four models are illustrated below. 

01 Split Schedule Hybrid: 

In the Split Schedule Hybrid, employees are expected to be in office on a minimum number of days in a week or a month while working remotely the other days. The schedule maybe set by the company or a team basis the type of work and need for collaboration. 

This approach offers a well-balanced blend of face-to-face interactions and the flexibility of remote work.
It accommodates diverse work preferences and helps employees manage their schedules for optimal productivity and work-life balance. 

Coordinating space and facility services poses a challenge within this model. The fluctuating occupancy, with some days experiencing low numbers and others high, can be addressed by leveraging the scheduling module in workplace applications. 

Example: A team or company can ask employees to choose 3/2 model which means they can come to office on any 3 days of the week and work remotely the other 2 days. Similarly there can be a 2/3 model, 4/1 model and so on. The Split Schedule model can be applied on a monthly basis as well by companies. 

2. Company-Driven Hybrid: 

The Company-Driven Hybrid model is characterized by a centrally defined schedule set by the organization. Specific days or times are designated for in-office and remote work, aligning with the company’s overall strategy and goals. Leadership can decide this to be followed by team or as a blanket mandate. 

This structured (centrally defined schedule – set by the organization) approach ensures consistency across the entire organization. Assigning specific days or times for in-office work and remote work facilitates streamlined planning and brings predictability to operations. Given that all the employees are in office on the same days, it also enhances the collaboration between them.

While providing a clear framework, this model may limit individual flexibility. Some employees may find it challenging to adapt to the predetermined schedule, potentially impacting work-life balance. It could lead to suboptimal arrangements for teams or members who would like more in-office or uninterrupted remote work. Inconsistent real state usage may result in cost inefficiencies. 

Example: A company might mandate that all employees work in the office on Mondays and Fridays, with the middle of the week reserved for remote work to facilitate concentrated project efforts. 

3. Team-Driven Hybrid: 

The Team-Driven Hybrid model grants autonomy to individual teams or departments within the organization to set their hybrid work schedules. Teams collaboratively decide on when to work in the office and when to work remotely based on their unique project requirements,  collaboration needs and dynamics. 

This model empowers teams to tailor their schedules to their specific needs and cultivates a sense of ownership and collaboration within the team. It recognizes that different teams may have varied preferences and requirements. 

Coordinating schedules across different teams may introduce challenges, and consistency across the organization might be harder to maintain. In this scenario, effective communication becomes essential to avoid potential conflicts. 

Example: The marketing team may decide to work in the office on Mondays and Wednesdays for brainstorming sessions, while the development team chooses remote work on those days for focused coding tasks. 

4. Hybrid at Will: 

The Hybrid at Will model provides employees with the maximum level of flexibility. It allows individuals to choose their work location without a predefined schedule, giving them the freedom to decide where they can be most productive. 

This approach acknowledges and respects individual working styles and preferences.
It promotes a culture of trust and autonomy, allowing employees to adapt their work environment to suit their needs.

Effective communication becomes critical to ensure coordination among team members, and team cohesion may require additional effort. It may also pose challenges in terms of cultural imbibement – especially amongst new employees. 

Example: Employees have the freedom to choose between working in the office or remotely based on their daily responsibilities, personal preferences, or the nature of their tasks, without adhering to a set schedule. 

How to Implement Right Hybrid Work Schedule for your Company? 

As expected, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all schedule. Each company or department needs to identify a suitable model aligned with its business objectives. The following steps guide organizations in creating a framework to select the right hybrid work schedule. 

1. Understand your organizational needs 

Align the hybrid work schedule with your company’s overall goals and strategies. Ensure that the chosen model supports your vision and long-term objectives. 

2. Survey employees and teams for their preferences 

Seek input from your employees and teams regarding their preferences for in-office and remote work. Understanding their needs and expectations is crucial for creating a schedule that accommodates a diverse workforce, which has varied needs around focused work and collaboration. 

3. Identify right mix between organizational needs and employee preferences 

Make sure the chosen model aligns with your company’s goals, considers employee needs, and complies with legal requirements related to remote work. Assess collaboration requirements and promote inclusivity to accommodate the varied dynamics within teams. 

4. Get right tools and technology 

In the context of hybrid work, it’s essential to employ tools and technology to streamline office scheduling for employees, managers, and organizations. These tools aid in space planning and workplace allocations, aligning with departmental needs and enabling the configuration of fixed or flexible seats based on individual work schedules. Intuitive scheduling plays a crucial role in the hybrid work model, allowing employees to plan their in-office days in advance within the chosen framework. A unified workplace app like DB Spazio proves invaluable in facilitating effective scheduling, workspace resource reservation, and access to amenities, ensuring a seamless experience for employees. Furthermore, this tool is indispensable for the facilities team, assisting in identifying occupancy patterns and planning facility services based on anticipated attendance. 

5. Adapt and Iterate 

Recognize that the chosen hybrid work schedule may need adjustments over time. Stay open to feedback, monitor its effectiveness, and be willing to adapt and iterate based on evolving organizational needs. 

By carefully considering these factors and involving key stakeholders in the decision-making process, you can choose a hybrid work schedule that enhances productivity, supports employee well-being, and aligns with the unique dynamics of your organization. 

Benefits of Hybrid Work Schedules 

  • Improved Collaboration: 
    Hybrid work schedules foster improved collaboration by providing a balanced mix of in-person and remote work. In-person interactions enhance team bonding, creativity, and effective communication, while remote work allows for focused individual tasks. This dual approach creates a collaborative environment that combines the best of both worlds. 
  • Increased Productivity: 
    Hybrid work models often result in increased productivity as employees can tailor their work environments to suit their preferences and tasks. The flexibility to choose between remote and in-office work allows individuals to optimize their workflow, leading to enhanced efficiency and output. A Gallup study suggests 51% respondents saw increase in productivity due to hybrid work arrangements. 
  • Better Talent Attraction and Retention: 
    Offering a hybrid work schedule is a powerful tool for attracting and retaining top talent. Another Gallup study suggests that 9 in 10 employees prefer some degree of long-term remote flexibility as part of their work schedule. It reflects a commitment to work-life balance and acknowledges the diverse needs of employees. In a competitive job market, companies that provide flexibility in work arrangements are more likely to attract and retain skilled professionals. 
  • Cost Savings: 
    Adopting a hybrid work schedule can lead to significant cost savings for both employees and employers. Reduced commuting expenses, lower overhead costs associated with office space, and a potential decrease in employee attrition contribute to overall financial benefits for the organization. You can find your own cost savings using this ROI calculator
  • Empowerment: 
    Hybrid work schedules empower employees by providing them with the autonomy to choose where they work best. This sense of empowerment can lead to increased job satisfaction, higher morale, and a more engaged workforce. When employees have a say in their work arrangements, they are more likely to feel valued and motivated. 


Adopting hybrid work schedules is a game-changer for the modern workplace. It combines better collaboration, increased productivity, and improved talent management with cost savings. By blending the strengths of in-person and remote work, we create a workplace that excels, and stays ahead in an ever-changing landscape. As organizations consider embracing hybrid work, it is essential to recognize the individuality of company needs, team dynamics, and employee preferences. Choosing the most suitable model accordingly ensures a seamless hybrid workplace that thrives. 

In the ever-evolving landscape of office space management, we find ourselves at a crossroads of distinct priorities. Employers across the board are increasingly eager to have their employees return to the office, emphasizing the value of in-person collaboration, innovation, and the preservation of company culture. A whopping 90% of companies surveyed by Resume Builder plan to return to office by 2024.  

However, the reality is that many employees are not fully following this mandate, seeking the flexibility, autonomy and work-life balance. As a result, the hybrid work arrangement has emerged as a preferred model, offering the best of both worlds – a harmonious balance between in-office engagement and the freedom to work remotely. According to McKinsey, 87% of employees want to work in a flexible environment that allows for work in an office setting as well as virtually. 

Need for Space Management 

However, this new hybrid work approach presents a unique challenge. The flexibility offered to employees to choose when and where they work has resulted in unpredictable office attendance patterns. On some days, like Wednesdays, offices are bustling with activity, while on others, like Fridays, they can be practically deserted. Unlike the more predictable attendance of the past, this new dynamic poses a significant challenge for facility teams. They must now navigate these fluctuating patterns, ensuring seamless employee experience while optimizing the utilization of organizational resources. 

In a hybrid work environment, employee needs are as diverse as the patterns of office attendance. Some employees require dedicated seats, while others prioritize collaborative spaces for their in-office work. Some employees are fine with hot desking but need autonomy while some rely on their managers to assign their schedules. These varied requirements demand a flexible and intelligent approach to resource planning. 

This is precisely where the value of space management becomes evident. It acts as a remedy for the problems businesses face as they embrace the hybrid work structure, offering a systematic and efficient way to strike a balance between employee preferences and the organizational need for resource optimization. 

Space Management in Office: Strategies 

In crafting an effective space management strategy, every enterprise should tailor its approach to align with its specific goals and priorities. While the finer details may differ from one organization to another, we’ve identified core strategies that encapsulate the key objectives of space management. Let’s explore each of these strategies, all with the goal of “unlocking every inch” of potential within your hybrid workplace. 

1. Workplace Flexibility Aligned to Business Needs 

Flexible work model is pivotal for the success of hybrid work culture. This strategy involves creating a dynamic work environment that seamlessly accommodates both in-office and remote work. It entails establishing clear policies, technology infrastructure, and collaboration tools that empower employees to excel regardless of their physical location. Furthermore, effective space planning ensures that workplaces are thoughtfully designed to meet the varying needs of the workforce. This planning can be tailored to employee or departmental requirements, considering factors like functional need of on-premise work, security or privacy policies, collaboration or innovation needs, which continually evolve in today’s dynamic work landscape. 

2. Office Real Estate Optimization: 

This approach involves meticulously assessing the organization’s real estate portfolio to determine which spaces are essential, which can be consolidated, and which can be repurposed. It often requires space utilization metrics to make informed decisions, which may lead to changing layouts to fulfil business needs, rightsizing office locations and revaluating lease agreements. By optimizing real estate, companies can significantly reduce costs while maintaining an efficient and productive workspace. Maximizing real estate assets utilization is not only a cost-effective strategy but also an environmentally responsible one. By taking employee and business needs into consideration, the overall workplace experience goes up, elevating value that employees derive when they visit office. 

3. Redesigning for Productive Workplace: 

The hybrid nature of work requires thoughtful redesign of the physical workplace. The primary aim of modern workplaces is to foster social interaction and collaboration. Consequently, this strategy emphasizes the reconfiguration of current office spaces and furniture to establish versatile and collaborative workspaces that cater to the well-being and needs of employees. It often includes open-plan layouts, flexible seating arrangements, and dedicated areas for various work styles, such as quiet zones and collaborative spaces. Ergonomic considerations and sustainable design principles play a significant role in this transformation. A well-designed workplace integrates audio visual technology to ensure that remote workers can collaborate with those in office seamlessly. A well designed office not only enhances productivity but also helps employees to visit their offices more often. 

4. Keep Technology Integrated 

Integrating smart technology into the workspace is becoming increasingly essential for space efficiency as well as elevating employee experience and well-being. This strategy revolves around deploying tools and systems that streamline space utilization, reservation, and allocation. Utilizing IoT sensors and data analytics, companies can gain insights into real-time space usage, enabling more informed decision-making. Additionally, advanced scheduling software can enhance employee experience by simplifying booking processes and ensuring that they have access to the resources they need, increasing productivity. Digital screens integrated with collaboration tools play an important role in unifying experience of the employees irrespective of their location. Integrated tool such as DB Spazio offers a full suite of solution for space management needs of the offices and includes:  

  • Hybrid Work Scheduler to plan employee schedule effortlessly, eliminating scheduling chaos and frustration 
  • Meeting Room Management to streamline collaboration amongst employees and help organizations efficiently manage workspace usage 
  • Desk and Amenities reservation facilitating flexible work arrangements and providing employees with convenient access to resources for enhanced productivity
  • Space Planning to simplify space allocation, assignment, and movement on a digitized floor plans for ease of operations and improved space efficiency 
  • Workplace Analytics to make data-driven workplace decisions through actionable insights 
  • Energy and Wellness adapter for integration with various facility service components to provide sustainable workplace that promotes wellness  

By considering and combining these space management strategies, companies can not only adapt to the evolving nature of work but also create a workspace that is efficient, sustainable, and tailored to the unique requirements of their organization. 

Space Management in Office: Benefits & Examples 

Effective implementation of space management can yield host of benefits to the organization. The key benefits and how some companies have benefitted from it is listed below. 

  • Reduced costs 
    In a hybrid work environment, where not all employees are required to be in the office every day, space management becomes a valuable tool for streamlining your company’s real estate utilization. This can lead to substantial cost savings for your organization. Consider the example of one of our banking clients, who achieved a remarkable 30% improvement in space utilization through space management. You can calculate the return on investment (ROI) for your own space management investment using our personalized calculator
  • Efficient Use of Existing Space 
    Space management tools, using data driven approach, excel in pinpointing areas of underutilized spaces. Such spaces can then be effectively restructured or repurposed into workspaces that enjoy high demand from employees, thereby boosting the overall utilization of your real estate assets. Consider for instance, the challenge of ghost bookings alone, and a 1,000 person office could potentially save $40,000 per annum just by addressing it.  
  • Improved Employee Experience & Productivity 
    By designing workspaces that align with the evolving needs of employees, we encourage more frequent visits to the office, where they can seamlessly engage in collaborative tasks, brainstorm innovative ideas, or simply find a quiet space for focused work when needed. All these improvements contribute to happier employees, ultimately resulting in a notable boost in productivity. 
  • Sustainability 
    Optimal space usage can contribute to a reduced environmental footprint, aligning with sustainability and corporate social responsibility goals. BMC Software, one of our clients, just by linking lighting and HVAC system to occupancy schedules could reduce their energy bills in the range of 15%. 

Conclusion: Space Management in Office

Space management, as defined in the WORK framework, is a powerful catalyst for modern workplaces. It saves costs, enhances collaboration, and boosts productivity. By using data-driven insights, it identifies underutilized spaces, reconfigures them to meet employee needs, and resolves issues like ghost bookings, resulting in substantial savings. In the ever-changing work landscape, space management is key to optimizing real estate, fostering employee satisfaction, and increasing productivity. It’s about maximizing every inch of space to adapt to the changing workforce and thrive in today’s business world. 


Work dynamics have radically changed in past few years. As employees move away from traditional office schedules or full remote work, Hybrid Workplace Strategy becomes imperative, marking hybrid work as the “New Norm” for 2023, as highlighted by Donna Williams, Chief People Officer at IR in her recent article. 

But the main question is: Why is Hybrid Work Strategy Important for businesses and how can a strong strategy be crafted by understanding its formulation and considering key factors?  

Before delving into these answers, let’s first explore the components of a hybrid workplace, along with its benefits and challenges. 

What Hybrid Working consists of? 

Hybrid work is defined as combination of in-office and remote working.

Hybrid work is a versatile working arrangement that blends both office and remote work facilities., giving employees the freedom to choose their work settings and schedules while adhering to company policies.  
This working pattern didn’t suddenly emerge due to the pandemic, rather it dates to early 2000s as home internet connectivity reached a level of reliability suitable for remote work. 

Pros & Cons of Hybrid Work Models 

Now, let’s take a closer look at both advantages and obstacles organizations might encounter when transitioning to a hybrid work model. 


  1. Increases flexibility with respect to work, fostering better work-life balance for employees and reducing the constraints of a traditional office schedule. 
  2. Enhances well-being, reduces stress, improves productivity & job satisfaction. 
  3. Reduces office-related costs, including rent, utilities, and maintenance, leading to significant savings for organizations and improving their financial performance. 
  4. Attracts a diverse talent pool, providing a competitive edge in the job market.


  1. Maintaining team cohesion and culture across locations is challenging due to physical distance. 
  2. Mandates effective remote team management, including trust-building, clear expectations, and the use of appropriate tools. 
  3. Protection of data and remote workspaces is vital, including defences against breaches, phishing, and unauthorized access, alongside employee education. 
  4. Lack of clear communication may be an obstacle if right tools are not used, impacting effective collaboration. 

Importance of Hybrid Workplace Strategy 

Team members formulating a Hybrid Workplace Strategy

The emerging hybrid work model necessitates a well-planned implementation strategy to maximize its benefits while minimizing potential challenges typically associated with this mode of work. 

What is a Hybrid Workplace Strategy? 

An effective hybrid workplace strategy is a thoughtfully crafted plan that finds the perfect equilibrium between remote and in-person work, with the goal of enhancing productivity, fostering employee well-being, and driving business success, all while being attuned to an organization’s distinct requirements and objectives. 

How does a well-formulated strategy help businesses? 

This thoughtfully designed workplace strategy empowers businesses to harness the advantages of a hybrid work model, which include: 

  • Improved working flexibility and employee well-being. 
  • Significant cost savings on office spaces and utilities. 
  • Streamlined space management for enhanced efficiency. 
  • Facilitated collaboration among geographically dispersed teams. 

Furthermore, it ensures a proactive approach to tackle the following challenges associated with hybrid work: 

  • Mitigating communication issues. 
  • Enhancing data security. 
  • Effectively managing remote teams. 

Formulating a Comprehensive Strategy for Hybrid Workplace 

7 Important Factors to consider while formulating comprehensive Hybrid Workplace Strategy.
  1. Organizational Objectives: Ensure alignment with organizational needs, including workspace allocation, cost savings, employee well-being, increased productivity, and superior talent retention via an exceptional workplace experience. 
  2. Stakeholder Involvement: Determine the requirements, preferences, and key concerns of important stakeholders involving employees, IT, CRE Leadership team. 
  3. Structure by Roles and Job Functions: Recognize that distinct roles within the organization may have varying requirements for remote and in-person work. Tailor the strategy to accommodate the diverse needs of workforce of different departments and roles. 
  4. Technology Infrastructure: Make sure the Hybrid Workplace Strategy is backed by the organization’s technology infrastructure, covering hardware, software, and network capabilities. 
  5. Policies and Guidelines: Develop clear policies and guidelines for remote work expectations, communication protocols, performance metrics, and compliance with labour laws. 
  6. Flexibility and Autonomy: Recognize the value of flexibility in the strategy, giving employees a voice in their work setups and establishing a framework that encourages independence while upholding responsibility. 
  7. Communication and Collaboration: Establish seamless communication and collaboration among remote and on-site team members using technology like video conferencing, chat tools, and regular team meetings. 

These principles should guide your organization’s transition plan towards a successful hybrid workplace. Remember that a one-size-fits-all approach might not work for every company, so tailor your strategy to the hybrid work model you adopt based on your specific needs and organizational culture. For more detailed guidance on hybrid work models, refer to  Your Guide : Choosing the Right Hybrid Work Model & Essential Technology 

Role of technology in Hybrid Workplaces 

Use of technology in a Hybrid Workplace.

Relying solely on manual planning or  usage of siloed tools tailored for specific purposes might not be the most effective approach when striving for successful management of an organization within a hybrid work model. 

It requires a unified technology solution that fulfils all the following hybrid work requirements of the organisation: 

  1. Workplace Scheduling: Streamline scheduling with AI-driven seat allocation, promoting collaboration and enhancing the employee experience. 
  2. Space Management: Efficiently configure workspace with 3D layouts and help employees making AI-powered reservations of various resources such as desks, meeting rooms, amenities etc. 
  3. Workplace Integration: Create unified experiences with mobile, web, and kiosk interfaces, IAQ monitoring, and SOS features. 
  4. Space Planning and Optimization: Streamline the process of arranging office space on digital floor plans and leveraging AI-driven forecasting. Automate seat requests, allocations, and assignments for departments through a customizable workflow. Enhance real estate utilization through efficient “what-if” analysis. 
  5. Data-Driven Decision-Making: Utilize workplace data analytics for informed decisions on occupancy and utilization. 

Crafting an effective Hybrid Workplace Strategy with DB Spazio 

To meet these hybrid workplace management needs, companies can choose from various technology solutions, such as DB Spazio.  
DB Spazio is a cutting – edge platform designed to enhance the hybrid workplace experience and provides a comprehensive solution to facilitate a smooth return to work. 

The Workplace Trinity Approach 
DB Spazio operates under three key pillars, ensuring a comprehensive approach to a successful hybrid workplace strategy:  

Workplace Trinity : 3 key pillars of DB Spazio for a successful Hybrid Workplace Strategy.
  • Hybrid Workplace : DB Spazio promotes seamless collaboration and productivity for both in-office and remote work while providing valuable analytics for efficient real estate management. 
  • Employee Wellness : Focuses on productivity, comfort, and hygiene, creating a workspace where employees feel healthy, happy, and valued. 
  • Energy & Sustainability : Promotes energy efficiency, savings, and ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) compliance, contributing to a sustainable future. 

Here’s how one can leverage DB Spazio to create a winning strategy:  

  1.  Collaboration at Workplace  
  2.  Reservations & Amenities using AI  
  3. Unified & Seamless Workplace Experience 
  4. Smart Space Planning & Optimization  
  5. Workplace Analytics for Data driven decisions  

Success Stories with DB Spazio 

Success Stories with DB Spazio

DB Spazio has supported enterprises like Fortune 100 American multinational investment bank and financial services corporation, headquartered in New York City. 
 The Fortune 100 bank was an early adopter of hybrid working, even prior to the pandemic, and wanted to stay ahead of the curve by building the ‘workplace of the future’ for their 4000+ employees. 

The Challenges:  

  • Provide employees with a safe, productive, and engaging hybrid work experience 
  • Encourage office attendance, optimize space utilization, and save costs 
  • Ensure security and privacy of employee data 


Our team worked closely with the client to technology enable their hybrid workplace strategy while ensuring the compliance and security needs. DB Spazio and its comprehensive workplace experience platform ensured that they were able to confidently adopt a hybrid work model & created unique and differentiated employee experience that was unparalleled. 


The transformation towards becoming a flexible and tech-driven hybrid workplace was achieved with the optimal seating of 3000 seats (for 4000+ employees).   

Testimonial given by Fortune 100 Bank executive, clients of DB Spazio:  

DB Spazio’s solution is the tech backbone of our ‘Workplace of The Future’ and various employee experiences for a workplace that is Efficient, Healthy & Safe.” 

VP – Projects 

To learn about how DB Spazio tackled challenges of Fortune 100 bank and the resulting performance metrics, please refer to the complete case study for in-depth information: How a Fortune 100 Bank Stayed Ahead of the Curve by creating Unparalleled Hybrid Workplace Experience 


Hybrid workplace is the new normal, and crafting an effective strategy is essential for success. It requires aligning with organizational objectives, involving stakeholders, and leveraging technology solutions like DB Spazio. With a well-structured strategy, organizations can navigate the evolving work landscape, balancing flexibility, productivity, and employee well-being, and emerge stronger in this new era of work. 

Workplace experience has undergone substantial transformation over the past few years. Enterprises are altering the way we envision workspaces, our expectations around them, and the vital role they play in our day-to-day lives. 

In line with this shift, companies are focused on building strategies that ensure a seamless workplace experience. This effort helps attract employees back to the office, prioritize their well-being, and boost their overall effectiveness. 

Notably, Gallup’s meta-analysis reveals a concerning trend—employee engagement is declining in 2022, particularly among full-time, on-site workers. This underscores the urgency and importance of creating an engaging and fulfilling workplace experience to counter this trend and bolster organizational success. 

This blog seeks to explain the modern concept of workplace experience, its various parts, and the big benefits it offers to businesses. 

What is Workplace Experience? 

In simple terms, workplace experience refers to the emotions and perceptions individuals have from the moment they plan to go to work, commute, and throughout their time in the workplace until they leave. As discussed in our recent blog post on optimizing client workplace experience, the main goal of creating a seamless workplace experience is to eliminate various stress points and barriers for both employees and visitors. This includes: 

  • Ease of access to and from the workplace 
  • Availability of resources and amenities at the workplace 
  • Comfortable and safe work environment 
  • Ease of Navigation within the facility 
  • Technology to streamline processes while ensuring compliance
  • Engaging employees and fostering a sense of purpose  

Elements of Workplace Experience 

The workplace ecosystem prominently encompasses the following three elements. Each elaborated below with examples to guide relevant stakeholders:  

Physical Workplace 

The physical workplace is the obvious and the one that naturally comes to our minds when we envision workplace experience. Given that organizations are struggling to bring employees back to work, this one becomes an important focus area. 

In the prevailing hybrid work environment, employees no longer come to the office solely for their routine desk jobs; they come for a specific purpose. According to Microsoft Work Trend Index Research 2022, 84% of employees would visit office to socialize with co-workers. This has created a need for CRE teams to reimagine workplaces with layouts that enable collaboration, creating inviting and comforting environment.  

Amenities also hold significant importance. Factors such as ample parking, easy access to public transport like buses or metros, contribute to organizations ‘earning the commute’ from their employees. Providing simple controls to adjust lighting and temperatures creates a conducive and productive working environment. Safety and hygiene have now become non-negotiable prerequisites for employees to even contemplate returning to the workplace. During our interactions with Facility Management teams, they see consistently higher attendance on the days when exotic lunch options are provided. 


Employees play a crucial role in creating a positive workplace environment. Empowering them to contribute to a positive workplace experience involves fostering a culture of collaboration, communication, and active participation. Here are key aspects that aid achieving this: 

  • Develop employee focused hybrid work policies that align with business objectives 
  • Promote flexibility and autonomy allowing employees tailor their schedules and workplace environment to their preferences 
  • Encourage collaboration and team building through strategies such as neighbourhood seating and nudging groups to visit the office, among other initiatives 
  • Invest in employee well-being promoting work-life balance, encouraging regular breaks and providing workplace environment that is safe, hygienic and productive 
  • Open communication and feedback channels to share their thoughts, concerns and ideas around workplace experience and address recurring issues on a priority  


Hybrid work arrangements have put technology at the forefront in creating meaningful workplace experiences for employees as well as visitors and clients. Digital workplaces help streamline various elements of experience allowing individuals to focus on building relationship and delivering high-value work. The primary areas of focus to enhance the overall workplace experience are: 

  • Workspace planning helps with continuously optimizing resource allocation across teams, considering efficiency and departmental needs 
  • Seamless resource reservation of resources such as meeting rooms, desks, parking slot etc. plays an important role in building flexible work environment ensuring positive and frictionless employee experience 
  • Facilitating collaboration requires investment into communication and conferencing systems encouraging employees to work together in-person or within a hybrid work environment. This includes nudging employee groups to visit the offices to foster collaboration, imbibe the company culture, and expedite innovation. 
  • Employee engagement tools such as unified employee app, interactive kiosks that provides access to all the workplace services. This not only helps create differentiated employee experience but also improves employee productivity 
  • Workplace Analytics provide valuable insights that can help businesses optimize their resources, improve productivity, and support their sustainability & employee wellness goals, all of which can contribute to a more successful and profitable business. 
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the potential to revolutionize hybrid workplaces. AI’s continuous learning and ability to use past data make it a potent tool to provide valuable assistance and triggers to employees, boost productivity, and enhance decision-making.  

By focusing on and optimizing these aspects, organizations can elevate the workplace experience, ensuring a positive and productive environment for their employees, visitors, and clients. 

Benefits of Workplace Experience 

Elevating workplace experience in an organization has multitude of benefits that directly impact employees, facility management teams and helps with overall success of the organization. Here are some prominent advantages listed below. 

Elevating workplace experience in an organization has multitude of benefits that directly impact employees, facility management teams and helps with overall success of the organization. Image shows some prominent advantages of elevating workplace experience
  • Enhanced Employee Productivity 
    A workplace that efficiently handles routine tasks allows employees to dedicate their time to high-value work, ultimately leading to improved overall outcomes for the organization. According to Harvard Business Review, Happy employees are 31% more productive
  • Improved Talent Acquisition and Retention 
    Great workplace experience is a powerful tool for attracting and retaining top talent in the organization. Organizations that prioritize employee experience see a 59% reduction in turnover.  When employees feel valued, secure, and productive, it not only enhances their commitment but also lowers attrition rates. 
  • Enhanced Client Experience 
    Happy employees lead to superior client experience. And focus on client workplace experience means fostering stronger relationship and business growth. A 2023 study by Gallup found that companies with highly engaged employees experience a 10% increase in customer loyalty and a 23% increase in profitability. 
  • Cost Savings and Efficiency Gains  
    A well-designed workplace that maximizes space utilization and supports flexible work arrangements can result in cost savings related to real estate, utilities, and associated overheads. According to Accenture, businesses could reduce their office space footprint by up to 40% by carefully rightsizing their real estate based on future headcount, growth projections and workforce models. 
  • Employee Well-being 
    A workspace that focuses on physical, mental, and emotional health leads to reduced stress, improved work-life balance, and a healthier, happier workforce. 


The modern workplace is evolving, with employees seeking environments that prioritize their well-being, engagement, and overall job satisfaction. Recognizing this shift and actively engaging with it through thoughtful workplace design, technology integration, and employee-centric policies sets the stage for a flourishing organizational ecosystem. 

It is crucial to understand that a positive workplace experience isn’t just a luxury—it’s an essential element that directly influences an organization’s success, growth, and ability to thrive in an increasingly competitive landscape. Constantly nurturing and enhancing this experience isn’t just an investment in the present; it’s a strategy to ensure a prosperous future for all stakeholders. 


In any organization, effective collaboration (booking meeting rooms, collaborative spaces or just booking a desk with colleagues) among people holds paramount importance and must never be underestimated. This is precisely why organizations prioritize investing in infrastructure with mandatory meeting rooms or conference spaces.  

Today, corporate office setups are witnessing a swift increase in booking meeting rooms. In a recent report titled “Meeting Room Booking Systems Statistics 2023,” LLC Buddy projects the global meeting room booking system software market to grow from $65.5 million in 2020 to $135.4 million by 2026, with a 12.9% CAGR during the forecast period. 

Why do you think this meeting room booking system is gaining such significant importance nowadays? Are there any challenges faced while booking meeting rooms? How do you think one can overcome those challenges? 

Before we answer all these questions, let’s understand what booking meeting room refers to. 

What Booking Meeting Room means? 

Booking a meeting room is the process of reserving a meeting or conference room in the office itself, for a specific date and time to hold meetings, discussions, presentations, or other business-related activities. 
Typically, this room reservation process can be executed manually, facilitated through internal organizational technologies or adoption of external software solutions. 

Why is it important today ? 

The rise of hybrid work models has made in-person meetings during office visits highly essential for productive discussions and faster decision-making. 
According to a recent article on office meeting statistics by Mark Wolmark, around 83% employees spend up to 33% of the workweek in meetings. If multiple work teams in an office want to meet in the same room simultaneously without a structured booking system, it can result in ineffective collaboration, wasted time, ghost meetings, and overall business inefficiency.. 
In large organizations with numerous cross-functional teams, monitoring their activities simultaneously is a daunting task. Hence, a Meeting Room Booking system offers real-time room availability and simplifies scheduling, boosting overall efficiency. 

This sums up to the two major reasons why booking meeting room is important:  

  • Streamlined Workflow Protocols: Structured workflow procedures eliminate chaos from conflicting team commitments, bringing order and organization to the company’s internal processes. 
  • Increased Efficiency: Booking meeting or conference rooms not only saves employees time but also gives them peace of mind with reserved spaces, facilitating better task management and organization. 

What are the challenges in Booking meeting rooms? 

  1. Double Bookings: This occurs when multiple groups reserve the same room at once, causing conflicts, disruptions, and frustration. 
  2. Confusing Interfaces: Complex interfaces lead to user difficulties, resulting in errors, delays, and a poor user experience. 
  3. Resource Allocation: Insufficient data on room usage can lead to inefficient resource allocation, causing wasted space or inadequate availability during peak times. 
  4. Limited Flexibility: Older systems may not accommodate unique booking requirements, hampering policy enforcement and hindering workplace efficiency goals. 

Technology as the Solution 

Utilizing modern technology effectively overcomes challenges from outdated meeting room reservation systems and is a wise investment, ensuring streamlined booking processes and promising future dividends. 

How to choose a meeting room booking system for your office? 

Out of the available technology solutions in the market, what type of solution should you go for, and how to opt for an apt room booking system for your organization? 

  1. Define Your Business Needs: Before selecting a meeting room system, identify your requirements by asking: 
    • Do you face last-minute room shortages due to inadequate booking? 
    • Do you need better insights into space utilization? 
    • Is preventing double bookings or no-shows a priority? 
  2. Conduct Comprehensive Market Research: Explore available systems after defining your needs. Evaluate them against your essential criteria to improve your meeting processes. 
  3.  Utilize Trials and Demos : Testing a new tool is crucial. Use demos and trial periods to assess how a meeting room booking system aligns with your organization. Share your requirements with the demonstrator for a better evaluation.

About DB Spazio 

Within the technology market, there exists a plethora of Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solutions, such as DB Spazio, which is a comprehensive Hybrid Workplace Experience Platform, offering an extensive array of features and advantages for the efficient management of meeting spaces. 

Here are some of the notable features that DB Spazio offers for booking meeting rooms and desks: 

Reservations & Amenities

  • AI-based Desk Bookings for Hot Desking, finding and choosing meeting rooms, finding colleagues, workplace resources & amenities easily with interactive 3D layout 
  • Organize and collaborates by configuring workspaces based on neighborhood and department 
  • Reclaim unused time with Ghost Meeting booking cancellation, ensuring efficient space utilization 
  • Confirm location-based occupancy in real-time with in-app check-in functionality. No hardware needed 

Explore other industry-leading solutions from DB Spazio

Workplace Collaborator

Unified Workplace Experience

Space Planning

Workplace Analytics

Booking Meeting Rooms: Implementing Seamless Processes 

Implementing a seamless meeting room booking process is a transformative journey for organizations, requiring careful planning, communication, and technology integration. This ensures that employees can effortlessly and efficiently reserve meeting spaces.  
Here’s a more detailed explanation of the steps involved in this implementation:  

  1. Employee Training: Comprehensive training is essential for employees to proficiently use the new booking system. It can include in-person workshops, online tutorials, or user guides, enabling confident utilization of system features. 
  2. Establishing a Communication Plan: Clear communication is crucial while implementing changes to the meeting room booking process. A communication plan ensures that employees are well-informed about the transition, reducing confusion and resistance to change. 
  3. Feedback Loops for Continuous Improvement: Implementing a feedback mechanism lets organizations gather input from users and stakeholders about their experiences with the new booking system, enabling ongoing improvements. 
  4. Periodic Reviews and Updates: Meeting room booking processes should be regularly reviewed to ensure they align with organizational needs, with updates and enhancements made as needed. 

By following these steps and a well-planned approach, organizations can effectively transition to a seamless meeting room booking process, enhancing efficiency, collaboration, and overall workplace satisfaction for employees. 

Success Stories with DB Spazio

DB Spazio, a Hybrid Workplace Experience Platform with room booking capabilities, has supported enterprises like TomTom, a Dutch multinational corporation specializing in location technology. 
TomTom considered opening a new office in Pune, India. During the project’s design phase, they sought precise office utilization metrics for their current workspace. 

The Challenges: 

  • Limited access to workspace and meeting room utilization metrics 
  • Lack of concrete data on additional space requirements 
  • Requirement for department-specific space analytics for future planning 

The Solution: 

TomTom collaborated with DB Spazio as their workspace analytics partner to assess space utilization. 


The space analytics and optimization project were finished in 7 days, ensuring it didn’t hinder the new facility’s design process. 

Testimonial given by TomTom executive, clients of DB Spazio: 

When we decided to start work on the work desk and meeting room optimization project, we were not sure how to lead this project and its outcome. DB Spazio did an astonishingly great job (to achieve stated objectives). The best part is even though we get enormous data, the dashboard shows it in (a) simplified format so it’s easy to understand. Besides the best technology, I am very impressed with friendly, accommodating, and enthusiastic staff. You guys are brilliant! 

Manish Deshmukh, 
Sr. Project Manager (APAC and Africa), Corporate Real Estate 

To learn about how DB Spazio tackled TomTom’s challenges and the resulting performance metrics, please refer to the complete case study for in-depth information: How TomTom Used Space Analytics for Rightsizing their Real Estate 


Efficient meeting room booking is crucial for modern organizations, boosting collaboration and productivity. Technology solutions like DB Spazio address challenges, with success stories like TomTom’s highlighting tangible benefits. Investing in effective booking systems is essential for streamlined operations and a positive employee experience. 

Introduction: Client Workplace Experience

Post pandemic workplace experience has often cantered on enhancing employee satisfaction to encourage their regular return to work. While employees are a pivotal focus for businesses planning their return to the office, it’s equally crucial for enterprises to craft unique and differentiated client workplace experience or in simpler words seamless and delightful experiences for their clients. 

As per Gallup survey, 25% employees mentioned meeting with clients as one of the key reasons they want to come to office. At the same time, there is significant increase in the number of guests visiting office premises. As per a study, the number of guests visiting office has grown by 147% as since January 2023.  

Delving deeper, it becomes evident that nearly every company needs to invest in enhancing their workplace experience specifically tailored to clients. As the saying goes, “The first impression is the last impression.” This rings particularly true for industries like creative agencies, IT providers, engineering firms and customer experience centres, where the synergy between employees and clients in a physical setting is paramount. Even for organizations where end clients don’t visit, there’s a need to optimize the workplace for internal stakeholders from other locations, facilitating seamless personal engagement. 

This blog seeks to unravel the strategies that enterprises can employ to WOW their clients and create a lasting impression. It explores innovative approaches that not only enhance client experiences but also ultimately contribute to business growth. Discover how a well-crafted workplace experience can set the stage for stronger client relationships and a flourishing enterprise. 

Creating Exceptional Client Workplace Experiences 

When clients plan a visit to your office, numerous queries occupy their thoughts. They typically revolve around the guest check-in procedure, estimated time for completion, requirements for asset approvals like laptops upon entry, availability of parking, and reservation of appropriately sized collaboration spaces with requisite technology. These seemingly simple questions, if not addressed effectively, can significantly impact your brand’s perceived value. Enterprises can take several steps to ensure exceptional client experiences: 

1. Proactive Pre-planning

Providing clients with essential visit-related information beforehand effectively addresses common concerns, allowing them to concentrate on the meeting’s agenda. 

2. Streamline Processes and Minimize Wait Times: 

Optimize processes to reduce wait times at the gate and improve efficiency. Clients appreciate a seamless experience with minimal delays 

3. Personalise the Visit Experience

Clients appreciate personalized experiences, especially when discussions cater to their unique needs and when they are treated as the company’s most valued entity. When planning a campus visit for a prospect or client, seize the opportunity to demonstrate the company’s deep appreciation and knowledge of them. This can be achieved through customized welcome signage, personalized access cards, prominently displaying client logos, employing the client’s preferred colour themes, and meticulous attention to every such detail. These efforts collectively contribute to the creation of a distinctive and meaningful client experience. 

4. Leverage Technology for Automation

The process of crafting such an experience often requires the automation of internal operations. Leveraging technology for scheduling, pre-planning, interactive displays, personalized greetings, and environmental comfort control significantly enhances the overall client experience. 

Image shows various steps that enterprises can take several steps to ensure exceptional client experiences.

By focusing on providing a unique, seamless, and delightful client experience, you can differentiate your enterprise and leave a lasting positive impression on clients visiting your workplace. 

Want to create Exceptional Client Workplace Experience for your Workplace?

Elevating Client Workplace Experiences with Technology 

Relying solely on manual approaches to manage client visits and craft a distinct experience can result in inconsistencies, leaving much to chance. To create a tailored client workplace experience, it’s vital to utilize an array of technologies and strategies that enhance all facets of a client’s visit. Below, we outline how you can attain this using various technologies: 

1. Visitor Management System: 

Deploy an advanced visitor management system capable of facilitating pre-registration for clients and guests, gathering essential information including asset details, proof of identity, parking preferences, and more. This system is designed to proactively share visit-related information with clients, including check-in instructions, while simultaneously alerting hosts upon their arrival. This ensures a welcoming and efficient reception that aligns with enterprise security protocols and compliance standards. 

2. Pre-Visit Engagement: 

Utilize digital communication channels to engage clients before their visit. Send personalized welcome messages, itineraries, or relevant information about their visit to set the tone and build anticipation. 

3. Wayfinding and Navigation Apps: 

Integrate wayfinding and navigation apps within the workplace to help clients easily locate their destination within the facility. These apps can guide them to meeting rooms, offices, or specific departments efficiently. 

4. Ensure In-person presence of Internal Stakeholders

Given the prevalence of hybrid work arrangements in many offices, it becomes crucial to ensure the presence of essential internal stakeholders in the office to enhance client engagement. Employing a tool that notifies employees in advance to schedule their in-office visits is essential, preventing any unexpected last-minute coordination issues. 

5. Interactive Displays and Kiosks: 

Implement interactive displays and kiosks for personalised welcome and offer relevant information about the company, its products, and services that resonates with the clients. Clients can use these to learn more about the organization at their own pace. 

6. Smart Meeting Room Management: 

Use meeting room management systems to check meeting rooms availability, easily book them, invite different stakeholders and view meeting details. Implement smart scheduling to personalize the meeting room experience based on client preferences. 

7. Personalized Service Request Apps: 

Provide unified app to request services like refreshments, tech support, or assistance during client visit. Tailor the app to specify client preferences and requirements to ensure complete readiness in advance. 

8. IoT Sensors for Personalization: 

Utilize Environmental IoT sensors to adjust environmental factors like lighting and temperature based on client preferences, creating a comfortable and personalized workspace during their visit. 

9. Feedback and Analytics: 

Collect feedback through digital surveys or interactive touchpoints to understand the client’s experience. Utilize analytics to identify patterns and areas for improvement in the personalized experience. 

Ready to see how DB Spazio can help you craft a tailored client experience?


In conclusion, the client workplace experience holds immense significance not only in fostering stronger relationships but also in propelling business growth. When you focus on making their experience better, you show that you care about them and what your brand stands for. 

A key recommendation to achieve this is through investment in a unified platform such as DB Spazio, one that seamlessly integrates visitor & meeting room management, personalized interactions, streamlined processes, and automation. By using this holistic approach, you leave a good impression and set the stage for long-term relationships that benefit everyone and help your business thrive. 


The hybrid work model has been a game changer in the new working dynamics. Gone are the pre-pandemic days of conventional practices of 5- 6 days a week in the office and having dedicated desks (it’s more about hot desking now), cubicles, and cabins that demanded relevant floor plans and significant finances for upkeep. The new flexible work arrangement requires employees to come to the office for a limited number of days each week and use different desk spaces on various days. 

As Hybrid mode gains widespread acceptance as the new norm, the emphasis is on blending flexibility, collaboration, and productivity to ensure the best possible workplace experience without incurring excessive costs. This shift in focus has become a key consideration globally among the leading enterprises across the market. 

Turning this concept into a tangible reality, Hot Desking emerges as a premier solution and stands at the core of contemporary workplace administration frameworks. It amplifies team productivity, enables flexible seating arrangements, and optimizes space utilization through its streamlined management. 

Want to know more about Hot Desking? Wondering about its compatibility with your workplace management structure? Fret not, we have provided a comprehensive explanation of the following questions: 

What Is Hot Desking?  

Image shows a Hybrid Workplace with unoccupied hot desks ready and available to be booked by employees

Hot Desking is a workplace arrangement that does not revolve around permanently assigned workstations or cubicles for individual employees. Instead, it embraces a dynamic office layout where employees have the flexibility to choose different desk spaces on different days. This means that on a beautiful, breezy day, you can occupy a desk by the window without any concerns about taking someone else’s designated spot! 

Why Is It Called Hot Desking? 

Now, you may be wondering about the genesis of the term “Hot Desking”. Well, it harkens back to a naval practice known as “Hot Racking” or “Hot Bunking” where sailors working in different shifts would share the same sleeping bunk due to limited availability. 

While Hot Desking has long been a practice among freelancers and consultants in co-working spaces, it has gained significant attention, particularly in traditional office setups, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic. 

How Does Hot Desking Work?  

According to a recent BCG survey, 7% of office-based employees work full-time in the office, 8% work fully remotely, and remarkably significant 85% employees revealed that their organizations have embraced hybrid work, involving varied office attendance like alternating weekly or set days each week. 
This survey reinforces the idea that the Flexible Work Model is on the brink of becoming the dominant standard, and it solidifies the permanence of the Hybrid Work approach. This marks Hot Desking as an ideal solution for companies seeking to reduce space and infrastructure expenses. By strategically scheduling the working days and hours of different functional teams, organizations can ensure effective collaboration without the need for all their employees to be in the office, hence improving work-life balance.  

Benefits Of Hot Desking In Hybrid Work 

The advantages of Hot Desking in a hybrid work setting are numerous, benefiting both employees and employers both. Here is a rundown of the benefits it offers: 

Image shows delighted employees in a hybrid workplace who are enjoying the benefits of hot desking.
  1. Employee Satisfaction: Hot Desking arrangements foster employee satisfaction because they offer the freedom to choose a seat each day, without the obligation to work from a particular desk or cubicle. 
  2. Enhanced Space Utilization: By optimizing office space through a reduced number of designated desks on the floor plan, Hot Desking improves space utilization.  
  3. Cost Reduction: Decreased space requirements translate into savings on space acquisition, maintenance, and related amenities. 
  4. Improved Team Collaboration: Functional teams can collaborate more effectively within flexible seating systems, facilitating productive discussions and fostering stronger in-person connections.
  5. Enhanced Employee Relationships: In a Hot Desking system, employees who might not otherwise interact or share common projects can work alongside each other. This could result in the development of new connections, stronger team relationships, or enhancements in existing employee bonds. 
  6. Increased Productivity through Change : The daily change in seating location provides a fresh working environment, which can boost productivity. Permanent seating arrangements can become monotonous over time. 
  7. Efficient Management of Hybrid Work Models: Hot Desking plays a vital role in streamlining the Hybrid Work Model. On days when certain employees work remotely, desk space is not wasted but utilized by those present in the office, and vice versa. 
  8. Workplace Cleanliness: With no fixed seating assignments, employees do not leave personal belongings at their desks, ensuring a consistently clean workspace. Additionally, due to limited available desk space, cleaning and maintenance become more manageable and cost-effective. 

Challenges Faced In Hot Desking 

While Hot Desking offers a range of advantages, it also presents several challenges that companies need to consider before implementing it: 

Finding an available seat each day can become a tedious task for employees, especially if their preferred spots are already occupied on a first-come-first-served basis. Consequently, some employees may not always view Hot Desking as a particularly convenient work arrangement. 

Additionally, there is the possibility that members of functional teams may not have the opportunity to sit and work together due to the limited availability of seats. This could potentially impact their ability to work as productively and efficiently as expected under the new working arrangement. 

How To Improve Hot Desking Experience?   

Having the right tools for Desk Booking and Meeting Room Booking can be instrumental in overcoming the challenges that may impede the implementation of Hot Desking. 

What is Desk Booking?  

Desk Booking involves reserving an open office desk in advance, just like booking a seat in a movie theater or flight. This practice alleviates the daily hassle of searching for a suitable workspace in flexible seating environments. 

How can Desk Booking and Hot Desking complement each other? 

Desk booking can be viewed as enhancing Hot Desking and simplifying flexible work arrangements for employees. While Desk Booking is not inherently exclusive to a hot desk model, they complement each other effectively. Having the option to reserve a desk in advance makes it significantly smoother to implement flexible seating arrangements. Additionally, teams working together can reserve desks alongside their colleagues, maximizing the benefits of Hot Desking in the workplace. 

Numerous tools and software solutions are available in the market, such as DB Spazio, which is a comprehensive hybrid workplace experience platform that offers desk and meeting room bookings, workplace collaboration, space planning and optimization, and workplace experience analytics. With an all-in-one solution addressing various hybrid work needs, organizations can seamlessly manage flexible working systems with hot desks to enhance productivity and workplace efficiency to the fullest. 


In the rapidly changing landscape of work, Hot Desking stands as a dynamic solution. It empowers employees with flexibility, fosters collaboration, and optimizes workspace use. 

As we move forward into this new era of work, remember that the office is no longer defined by a static desk, but by the limitless possibilities of a flexible, adaptable, and dynamic workspace. Embrace booking hot desks, and you will be taking a giant leap toward maximizing flexibility in the exciting world of hybrid work. 

Elevate Efficiency with Smart Meeting Room Booking 


In our professional lives, we’ve all encountered a familiar scenario of ghost meetings: we do meeting room booking with every intention to join, only to find ourselves and fellow participants unable to attend due to unforeseen circumstances. Yet, amidst this situation, the thought of cancelling the meeting room booking often slips our minds, resulting in an empty meeting space during the scheduled time. Consequently, while the room sits unoccupied, other colleagues in need are met with the perception of a booked room on their calendars, impeding their ability to secure available resources. Compounding the situation is the scenario where the meeting is recurring, and participants consistently overlook their commitment. 

This occurrence is commonly known as a “ghost meeting” – a meeting planned but left unattended, thereby wasting a valuable workspace resource.  

Although it might initially appear inconsequential, the impact is far from negligible. According to a workplace analytics report, a striking 34% of scheduled meetings conclude as no-shows, and the average U.S. employee engages in 62 meetings per month. When we extrapolate these figures to encompass the entire organization, the scale of wasted space and associated costs increases exponentially. 

Interested in uncovering the financial impact of ghost bookings on your organization?

Reach out to us and discover your potential savings in just a matter of minutes.

In this era of the hybrid workplace, where collaborative efforts form the core of office visits, the availability of meeting rooms takes on an even greater significance.  

As we delve into the world of ghost meetings and their impact, it becomes evident that addressing this issue is essential for optimizing workspace utilization and saving costs for the organisation. 

Exploring The Hidden Cost of Ghost Meetings 

When companies aim to optimize their workplaces, they often focus on things like employee attendance and space usage patterns. But there’s a less obvious cost of ghost meetings that often goes unnoticed due to lack of accessible data. While these costs might initially appear inconsequential, allow us to illustrate how the cumulative impact of ghost meetings can impact your budgets. 

According to a USA national report from August 2023, the average cost for office space is about $37.89 per sq. ft. per year in the USA. As a general guideline within flexible office setups, the ratio is about 1 meeting room for every 10 to 20 employees. So, for an office with 1,000 people, you’d need around 50 meeting rooms. 

Studies show that ghost meetings waste about 30 hours of meeting room time per room each month. If you consider that the average meeting room is around 150 sq. ft. this adds up to a loss of about $40,383 per year for a 1,000-person office. In India, where office rents average about Rs. 95 per sq. ft. per month, the annual loss due to ghost meetings is around Rs. ₹12 lakh (₹1.2 million).  

Calculate your organization’s annual ghost meeting losses now.

Try our Ghost Meeting Room Wastage & Payback Calculator

Putting an End to Ghost Meetings 

Dealing with ghost meetings is crucial for organizations, and finding a solution to this problem is surprisingly straightforward. By following three simple steps, enterprises can effectively address this issue: 

1. Enforce Check-In within Buffer Time 

A simple yet cost-effective approach to address ghost meeting rooms involves requiring employees to check in upon arriving for their scheduled meetings. This can be seamlessly managed through software-based mechanisms. To provide a window for check-ins, a buffer time (e.g., 10 minutes) can be established, allowing attendees to check in from the scheduled start time until the end of the buffer period. For instance, if a meeting is set for 11 am with a 10-minute buffer, attendees can check in until 11:10 am. Should no check-in occur within this window, the meeting room automatically becomes available for other users to book. 

2. Automated Meeting Cancellation

Automated cancellation is a key element for several reasons. It ensures that meeting room bookings are cancelled on calendars promptly, without any manual intervention, freeing up the space for others to reserve.  

To tackle recurring ghost meetings, aka “zombie meetings,” the system can automatically cancel the entire sequence of meetings if the meeting room remains unchecked for a predetermined number of consecutive meetings. For example, if the set number is three, and three consecutive recurrent meetings go unattended, the system cancels the sequence and notifies the host. 

3. Analyse Ghost Meeting Data and Reclaim Time

Analysing instances of ghost meetings is essential for minimizing waste. By examining data based on departments, zones, employees, and meeting room sizes, organizations can hold awareness sessions with relevant stakeholders. Regular analysis is also important to verify whether the implemented solution is effectively reducing waste and saving costs for the company. 

Comprehensive Meeting Room Management solutions like DB Spazio simplify the process of combating ghost meetings. The solution by default provides all the features listed above. 


Image shows the Benefits of DB Spazio's meeting room management solution in getting rid of the ghost meeting.

There are numerous benefits associated with the adoption of a Meeting Room Management Solution. Some of these benefits are outlined below. 

1. Significant Space Cost Savings & Quick RoI

As elaborated in the preceding section, enterprises stand to achieve substantial cost savings through the deployment of a Meeting Room Management Solution. Using illustrative cost-saving scenarios presented above, the investment in Basic package of DB Spazio solution (comprising Desk Booking, Meeting Room Booking, Ghost Room Management with Analytics), the tangible returns become evident. The funds saved from addressing ghost meeting room management alone can recover the investment in as little as five months in the USA and in less than a year in India. Additionally, this solution leads to improved meeting room availability for employees, effectively enhancing overall space utilization. 

Want to know the cost savings and RoI by deploying DB Spazio’s Meeting Room Management Solution?

Try the calculator!

2. Optimising Energy Consumption & Help Achieve Sustainability Goals

Many companies seamlessly integrate their energy management systems with the meeting room booking solution. This synergy allows for automatic turning off of the lighting and air conditioning systems in the meeting room when it is not in use. This implies not just extra savings on energy usage, but also aids organizations in reaching their sustainability objectives. 

3. Cultivation of Punctuality and Resource Respect

This solution fosters a culture of punctuality among employees, imparting the significance of valuing each other’s time and the organization’s resources. By curbing the prevalence of ghost meetings, employees learn the importance of optimizing schedules and making the most of available resources.


As we unveil the truth behind ghost meetings, we uncover their hidden financial implications and hurdles in utilising space efficiently. Through effective measures like software based check-ins, automated cancellations, we dispel these inefficiencies, nurturing a workplace culture of timeliness and efficiency. Not only do we eliminate waste, but we also harness energy savings and promote sustainability. It’s a path to both immediate payback and a more responsible future. 

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